Tag Archives: inspiration

Check out my new workshop. I’m so excited!

Check out my new workshop!

If you would like to join me there is still time. Two spots have become available. Contact me asap if you want to have a day full of fun and paint! It’s going to be awesome!


Jacaranda tree inspires next masterpiece


My beautiful jacaranda tree has inspired my next painting

Just this morning I was sitting on my verandah sipping on my flat white when I heard the beautiful sounds of the tiniest finch. As I glanced up I saw my enormous jacaranda in its full display of majesty. The deep resonance of the purple flowers inspired me beyond measure. Bang! it hit me like a ton of bricks…..this is going to be my next masterpiece. Furthermore, I put down my coffee, got out of my chair and took some inspirational photos.

Here are a couple of them.DSC0043624 October

I can’t wait to start this project!