Tag Archives: abstract

Artist Retreat

10013693_10203390123614394_1635535891_n    On the weekend I went to an amazing Art Retreat at the beautiful Mapleton here on the Sunshine Coast! I had a fantastic time painting most of the weekend with lots of other lovely ladies and a few men. The bond I formed with these people in such a short time astounded me! The weekend was such a success that we will be doing it again next year. Yay! I can’t wait! Plus, I actually managed to almost complete a painting from start to finish. This is it here in progress. I’ll post another photo soon of the finished product.

I literally did this in 20 minutes last night!

DSC00720I was just meant to be doing a background. However I got playing and this is what I ended up with. Thought about adding to it in my usual style….however maybe I will leave it as I kind of like it.

It’s so much fun letting the colours run. There’s always surprises as you have little control over the outcome.

I really would like to start doing more quick paintings like this as I normally spend soooo long on everything. I’m sure it only took about 20 minutes. I was outside at night and was getting eaten alive by mosquito’s so I was in a bit of a hurry to get back inside!